Sophie Motley
Sophie is artistic director of The Everyman, Cork. She was previously artistic director of Pentabus Theatre, associate director of Rough Magic Theatre Company and co-artistic Director of WillFredd Theatre. She studied at Samuel Beckett Centre, Trinity College Dublin, trained with Rough Magic’s SEEDS and the National Theatre Studio, London. She was staff director at English National Opera and resident assistant director at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. Her directing credits include Letters of A Country Postman (The Everyman), Here I Belong, Wolves Are Coming For You, Crossings, The Tale of Little Bevan and One Side Lies the Sea (Pentabus Theatre), Millions of Years (English National Opera), BEES!, Jockey, CARE, FOLLOW, FARM (WillFredd Theatre), Tejas Verdes, Vincent River (Prime Cut), Balfe’s The Sleeping Queen (Wexford Festival Opera ShortWorks), Everything Between Us, Plaza Suite (Rough Magic), Trans, Turning Points: Minimalism, The Garden (London Sinfonietta). She makes her INO debut with Werther.
April 2023