Orfeo ed Euridice Pre-Opera Talks

Orfeo ed Euridice
  • 8th FebruaryThe Civic, Tallaght
  • 10th FebruarySt. Peter's Church of Ireland, Drogheda
  • 14th FebruaryTheatre Royal, Waterford
  • 16th FebruaryVisual Theatre, Carlow
  • 19th FebruaryEveryman Theatre, Cork
  • 21st FebruaryGlór Theatre, Ennis
  • 23rd FebruarySiamsa Tíre, Tralee
  • Admission & BookingAdmission is free but booking may be required. Please contact your local venue for further details.

Enhance your experience of Gluck's masterpiece Orfeo ed Euridice, a co-production with United Fall, in partnership with the Irish Baroque Opera.

Our production of Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice will be on nationwide tour from the 7th February to the 2nd March with pre and post-opera talks in a number of venues. Each talk will be a conversation with one of our cast or creative team, giving you an exclusive insight into our new production.

Full listings:

The Civic Theatre, Tallaght, 8th Feb, 7.15pm, Michael Barker Caven in conversation with Emma Martin. Reserve your place by calling the Box Office on 01 4627477.

St. Peter's Church of Ireland, Drogheda, 10th Feb, 7pm, Fergus Sheil in conversation with Peter Whelan.

Theatre Royal, Waterford, 14th Feb, 7.15pm, Fergus Sheil in conversation with Peter Whelan. Reserve your place by calling the Box Office 051 874402 or email boxoffice@theatreroyal.ie.

Visual Theatre, Carlow, 16th Feb, 7pm, Fergus Sheil in conversation with Emma Martin. Reserve your place on the Visual website here.

Everyman Theatre, Cork, 19th Feb, 9.40pm, in conversation with Sharon Carty

Glór Theatre, Ennis, 21st Feb, 7.15pm, Fergus Sheil in conversation with Peter Whelan. Reserve your place by calling the Box Office on 065 6843103

Siamsa Tíre, Tralee, 23rd Feb, 7pm, Fergus Sheil in conversation with Peter Whelan. Reserve your place by calling the Box Office on 066 7123055

Pre-opera talks usually last approx. 30 minutes.

The participants for each talk are subject to change.

Talks are open to anyone and you do not require a ticket to the opera to attend the pre-opera talk. Booking may be required. More information can be found by contacting info@irishnationalopera.ie or from your local venue.
