Simultaneous Street Art Presentation in Dublin & Belfast for Culture Night

Thursday, 7 September, 2023
Scorched Earth Dual Screening

On Culture Night the streets of Dublin and Belfast will serve as a canvas for The Scorched Earth Trilogy, a satirical multi-sensory experience that couples projected street art films and sound installations delivered by the ground-breaking Isolde platform.

Irish National Opera and Dumbworld have partnered with Nuwa Studios for this simultaneous presentation at the Digital Hub, Dublin and Portview Trade Centre, Belfast on Friday 22 September at 8.30pm. Combining the accessibility of street art and the sonic power of opera, The Scorched Earth Trilogy and Isolde redefine where and how contemporary music can be experienced.

INO’s digital Producer Sarah Halpin says "Culture Night will mark the first time Isolde will be used in two simultaneous screenings. We’re thrilled to work with our partners Dumbworld on this event which is an exciting step in the development of Isolde. Future events utilising Isolde have the capacity to connect audiences in multiple locations across the globe, allowing us to maximise the impact and sustainability of our street art opera productions. With applications for opera, theatre, museums and more, the possibilities afforded by Isolde will have a far-reaching impact across our cultural sector and beyond."

John McIlduff, writer/director, Dumbworld adds: "This ground-breaking digital technology has the potential to reach a wider range of audiences as it allows work to travel internationally in a democratic and cost effective package. The Scorched Earth Trilogy examines the detrimental effects that capitalism and climate change is having on humanity and the power of the app means that we can send this work across the world without actually travelling thus reducing costs for audiences and our carbon footprint. "

The three short street films tackle some of our most pressing concerns with coruscating humour and wit, described by The Times as “short, sharp, sardonic commentaries on the climate crisis. They are conducted by Fergus Sheil, artistic director, Irish National Opera who says: “While being 100% operatic in their DNA, The Scorched Earth Trilogy  turns the idea of opera upside down and inside out. These operas are short, making their point directly and powerfully. They don’t belong in opera houses, but on the street where they can be enjoyed by anybody, including audiences that may never have come to live operas. They use new technology to tell stories that are about the most pressing issues facing us on planet Earth. But the operas also don’t forget that they are there to entertain as well as to engage. They are both fun and irreverent while at the same time being moving and thought-provoking. Essential watching.” 

The films challenge our complacency using a highly original mix of street art, animation, contemporary orchestral music and opera in their search for answers provoking both entertaining and uncomfortable responses. Each piece has been born out of a growing societal mistrust of politicians, questions around our place in the planet and within nature while also occupying a positive space in which solutions and saviours are explored.  

Download Isolde App

The Scorched Earth Trilogy is delivered with the support of Isolde, a groundbreaking new app that supports synced audio experiences. In order to access this experience, you will need the following: 

1. An Apple or Android Smartphone device with the following minimum Operating System versions: 

  • Android: 9 
  • iOS: 15.0 

2. Wired or Bluetooth headphones

3. Access to the Isolde app

You can access the app via:
